Partner with us

By recognising and leveraging the commercial value of partnership, you position your brand for growth, innovation, and a positive impact on the skilled migrant professional community. Join us in shaping success stories, championing diversity, and fostering connections that drive your business forward. As a partner, your investment yields not only brand exposure but also meaningful engagement and measurable outcomes.

Partnering with Skilled Migrant Professionals Magazine

Becoming a partner with Skilled Migrant Professionals Magazine presents a strategic avenue to unlock significant commercial value. By aligning your brand with our mission and engaging with our thriving community, you position your business for a range of valuable opportunities.

Targeted brand exposure: As a partner, your brand gains access to a highly engaged audience of skilled migrant professionals actively seeking information, resources, and solutions to enhance their journey in Australia. This focused exposure allows you to showcase your products or services directly to a receptive and relevant demographic.

Enhanced credibility: Partnering with a respected publication like ours lends your brand a heightened level of credibility. By associating with a platform that champions the success of skilled migrant professionals, you signal your commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and empowerment, bolstering your reputation within the industry and among your target audience.

Exclusive advertising reach: Our partnership packages provide exclusive advertising space across both print and digital mediums, ensuring that your message receives prominent and prolonged visibility. This access allows you to strategically position your brand in the forefront of our readers’ minds for an extended period, reinforcing your market presence.

Direct engagement: Partners enjoy the privilege of direct engagement with our readership through advertorials and newsletter banners. This direct communication channel fosters a personal connection with your target audience, allowing you to share insights, solutions, and promotions in a meaningful and impactful manner.

Tangible ROI: Partnering with us is not only about brand visibility; it’s about generating tangible returns on your investment. With access to our engaged readership and tailored advertising placements, your partnership can translate into increased leads, conversions, and sales.


Premium Partnership

Digital & Print Package
$ 1,450 Quarterly
  • Investment $1,450 +GST over three months
  • Captivating storytelling: double spread advertorial
  • Extended digital reach
  • Email newsletter banner
  • Comprehensive digital promotion

Investment: $1,450 +GST over three months*

Unlock a suite of impactful benefits that will leave a lasting impression on your brand’s visibility and engagement.

What you’ll receive:

  1. Full page printed advertorial in SMP magazine
    Your brand’s story becomes an integral part of our carefully curated editorial content. Your advertorial takes centre stage, seamlessly blending within our narratives. This ensures your message resonates authentically with our readers, creating a lasting imprint of your expertise, values, and offerings.
  2. Full page digital advertorial on the SMP partner webpage
    Extend the impact of your brand’s narrative with an exclusive digital platform – your advertorial will find a digital home on our platform for three months.
    This ensures your brand remains visible, accessible, and relevant to our online readership of skilled migrant professionals seeking insights and solutions.
  3. Digital banner in SMP email newsletter
    Your brand’s influence will be highlighted in our email newsletter, directly connecting you with our engaged community. The banner placement ensures your message reaches our subscribers, reinforcing your brand’s relevance with a link to your online advertorial.
  4. Website banner on SMP homepage
    One digital web banner for your brand on the homepage of Skilled Migrant Professionals website for two weeks.
  5. Digital reach on SMP social media platforms and
    Empowered Voices Amplified podcast
    Extend the impact of your brand’s narrative with an exclusive digital platform – your advertorial will find a digital home on our platform for three months.
    This ensures your brand remains visible, accessible, and relevant to our online readership of skilled migrant professionals seeking insights and solutions.
  6. Product / service / story article submission featured on SMP website, newsletter and magazine
    Elevate your brand as a thought leader by submitting an article for publication on the SMP website, newsletter, and magazine. This positions your brand as a trusted resource and provides valuable insights to our community, cementing your status as a knowledge leader.

Premium Partnership

Digital & Print Package
$ 5000 Quarterly
  • Investment $5,000 over three months
  • Captivating storytelling: double spread advertorial
  • Extended digital reach
  • Email newsletter banner
  • Comprehensive digital promotion

Premium Partnership (digital & print package)

Investment: $5,000 over three months

By investing in this package, you unlock a suite of impactful benefits that will leave a lasting impression on your brand’s visibility and engagement.

Captivating storytelling: double-spread advertorial

In the print edition of our magazine, your brand’s story becomes an integral part of our carefully curated editorial content. Your advertorial takes centre stage, seamlessly blending within our narratives. This ensures your message resonates authentically with our readers, creating a lasting imprint of your expertise, values, and offerings.

Extended digital reach: full-page advertorial page with exclusive advertising on the feature page 

Extend the impact of your brand’s narrative with an exclusive digital platform; your advertorial will find a digital home on our platform for an impressive three months. This ensures your brand remains visible, accessible, and relevant to our online readership of skilled migrant professionals seeking insights and solutions.

Email newsletter banner: Your brand’s influence will shine brightly in our email newsletter, directly connecting you with our engaged community. The banner placement ensures your message reaches our subscribers, reinforcing your brand’s relevance with a link to your online advertorial. 

Comprehensive digital promotion: Digital wrap banner for your category

Premium Partnership

Digital package
$ 3,500 Quarterly
  • Investment $3,500 over three months
  • Digital reach: full page advertorial in digital issue
  • Digital reach on SMP social media platforms and podcast
  • Thought leadership: submit an article for your product / service / story

Premium Partnership (digital package)

Investment: $3,500 over three months

By investing in this package, you unlock a suite of impactful benefits that will leave a lasting impression on your brand’s visibility and engagement.

Digital reach: full page advertorial in digital issue with exclusive digital advertising on the feature page

Extend the impact of your brand’s narrative with an exclusive digital platform – your advertorial will find a digital home on our platform for three months.
This ensures your brand remains visible, accessible, and relevant to our online readership of skilled migrant professionals seeking insights and solutions.

Digital reach on SMP social media platforms and podcast

Extended digital promotion through social media mentions on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook over three months and on our podcast.

Thought leadership: submit an article for your product / service / story to be included on SMP website, newsletter & magazine

Elevate your brand as a thought leader by submitting an article for publication on the SMP website, newsletter, and magazine.
This positions your brand as a trusted resource and provides valuable insights to our community, cementing your status as a knowledge leader.

Digital & print advertising

Digital advertisement
Full page advertorial
$1,090 (+GST)
Partner content: product / service focus
$1,200 (+GST)
Web banner (per fortnight)
$400 (+GST)
Email newsletter banner
$400 (+GST)
Print advertisement
Double page advertorial
$1,500 (+GST)
Single page advertorial
$1,090 (+GST)
Full page advertisement
$990 (+GST)
Half page advertisement
$590 (+GST)

Partner with us

By recognising and leveraging the commercial value of partnership, you position your brand for growth, innovation, and a positive impact on the skilled migrant professional community. Join us in shaping success stories, championing diversity, and fostering connections that drive your business forward. As a partner, your investment yields not only brand exposure but also meaningful engagement and measurable outcomes.

Partnering with Skilled Migrant
Professionals Magazine

Becoming a partner with Skilled Migrant Professionals Magazine presents a strategic avenue to unlock significant commercial value. By aligning your brand with our mission and engaging with our thriving community, you position your business for a range of valuable opportunities.

Targeted brand exposure: As a partner, your brand gains access to a highly engaged audience of skilled migrant professionals actively seeking information, resources, and solutions to enhance their journey in Australia. This focused exposure allows you to showcase your products or services directly to a receptive and relevant demographic.

Enhanced credibility: Partnering with a respected publication like ours lends your brand a heightened level of credibility. By associating with a platform that champions the success of skilled migrant professionals, you signal your commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and empowerment, bolstering your reputation within the industry and among your target audience.

Exclusive advertising reach: Our partnership packages provide exclusive advertising space across both print and digital mediums, ensuring that your message receives prominent and prolonged visibility. This access allows you to strategically position your brand in the forefront of our readers’ minds for an extended period, reinforcing your market presence.

Direct engagement: Partners enjoy the privilege of direct engagement with our readership through advertorials and newsletter banners. This direct communication channel fosters a personal connection with your target audience, allowing you to share insights, solutions, and promotions in a meaningful and impactful manner.

Tangible ROI: Partnering with us is not only about brand visibility; it’s about generating tangible returns on your investment. With access to our engaged readership and tailored advertising placements, your partnership can translate into increased leads, conversions, and sales.


Premium Partnership

Digital & Print Package
$ 5000 Quarterly
  • Investment $5,000 over three months
  • Captivating storytelling: double spread advertorial
  • Extended digital reach
  • Email newsletter banner
  • Comprehensive digital promotion

Premium Partnership (digital & print package)

Investment: $5,000 over three months

By investing in this package, you unlock a suite of impactful benefits that will leave a lasting impression on your brand’s visibility and engagement.

Captivating storytelling: double-spread advertorial

In the print edition of our magazine, your brand’s story becomes an integral part of our carefully curated editorial content. Your advertorial takes centre stage, seamlessly blending within our narratives. This ensures your message resonates authentically with our readers, creating a lasting imprint of your expertise, values, and offerings.

Extended digital reach: full-page advertorial page with exclusive advertising on the feature page 

Extend the impact of your brand’s narrative with an exclusive digital platform; your advertorial will find a digital home on our platform for an impressive three months. This ensures your brand remains visible, accessible, and relevant to our online readership of skilled migrant professionals seeking insights and solutions.

Email newsletter banner: Your brand’s influence will shine brightly in our email newsletter, directly connecting you with our engaged community. The banner placement ensures your message reaches our subscribers, reinforcing your brand’s relevance with a link to your online advertorial. 

Comprehensive digital promotion: Digital wrap banner for your category

Premium Partnership

Digital package
$ 3,500 Quarterly
  • Investment $3,500 over three months
  • Digital reach: full page advertorial in digital issue
  • Digital reach on SMP social media platforms and podcast
  • Thought leadership: submit an article for your product / service / story

Premium Partnership (digital package)

Investment: $3,500 over three months

By investing in this package, you unlock a suite of impactful benefits that will leave a lasting impression on your brand’s visibility and engagement.

Digital reach: full page advertorial in digital issue with exclusive digital advertising on the feature page

Extend the impact of your brand’s narrative with an exclusive digital platform – your advertorial will find a digital home on our platform for three months.
This ensures your brand remains visible, accessible, and relevant to our online readership of skilled migrant professionals seeking insights and solutions.

Digital reach on SMP social media platforms and podcast

Extended digital promotion through social media mentions on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook over three months and on our podcast.

Thought leadership: submit an article for your product / service / story to be included on SMP website, newsletter & magazine

Elevate your brand as a thought leader by submitting an article for publication on the SMP website, newsletter, and magazine.
This positions your brand as a trusted resource and provides valuable insights to our community, cementing your status as a knowledge leader.


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